Tuesday, June 7, 2011






Monday, June 6, 2011

Photo Assignment 6: People

Assignment Description: For this assignment I decided to do people. My pictures are of a few people being themselves.

Best Photo:

Exposure Triangle:
Shutter- 3/10
Apt- 2.8
ISO- 80


Summary: I took pictures of some friends being goofy.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Gimp 7: Dictionary

Assignment Description: For this assignment we were to choose any word from the dictionary and try to show the word thru pictures. We were supposed to make the picture look clean and attractive to the eye. We also had to put the word and definition on the photo. I chose the words...





Photo Assignment 5: Black & White

Assignment Description: For week number 5, I decided to do black and white as my assignment. Which is basically taking pictures of anything in black in white.

Best Photo
Exposure Triangle:
Shutter- 1/125
Aperture- 5.6
ISO- 800


Summary: I took different pictures of random things in black and white that I thought were interesting.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gimp 6: Portrait

Assignment Description: We were assigned to take 2 portrait photos. One of which was taken in the studio set up in the library, and the second against a white background near a window using a bounce card to help light the darker side of the face.

What I Learned: During this assignment I learned a bounce card is a cheap way of taking portrait picture and reflecting the light. I also learned how to make white borders for photos using Gimp.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Photo Assignment 4: Motion

Assignment Description: This week I chose motion for my next assignment. I decided to do this, because while taking pictures for nature, Remy, my brother-in-laws dog was chasing me. I took a few pictures of him running and thought they looked great.

Best Photo Before Touch-up:

After Touch-up:

Exposure Triangle:
Shutter- 1/499
Aperture- 5.6
ISO- 250


Summary: I took many pictures of Remy running around and jumping up to catch his toy. I then picked the best 11. There isn't much of a variety, but it was a last minute decision.

Gimp 5: School

Assignment Description: The 5th Gimp assignment is taking a picture anywhere in the school, and editing things to change the picture drastically. While doing this you also need to make it look realistic, that is the challenge.


I decided I wanted to have a sea monster coming out of the lake. In order to add a more dramatic effect I put a dark cloudy background and a man in the corner in a fetal position. The tree was very different to get around when placing the background in, so i tried getting rid of it by using the clone tool.


What I Learned: I learned editing a picture is hard work, and takes creativity. In order to get the picture you want, you need to make sacrifices (The tree) or change your ideas.